Timothy Quigley is a drummer/percussionist/multi-instrumentalist living in Montpelier, VT. Known for his versatility and quick ear. Timothy is adept in playing a wide variety of musical genres on the drum set, as well as congas, bongos, doumbek, def, tapan and frame drums. His distinct sound has led to collaborations with some famous people and some who should be famous, but are not.
Here is what people whose occupation it is to write about the creative endeavors of others say:
“Romashka owes its irresistible rhythmic drive to drummer Timothy Quigley and tubist Ron Caswell, who slyly funkify even the most traditional of the group’s arrangements.”
—The Forward (07/29/2005)
“Timothy Quigley’s drumming did indeed make the music rock, but there was also plenty of the traditional heartstring touching groaning and laughing.”
—Seth Rogovoy CurtainUp
“…percussionist Timothy Quigley provided a fluidly swinging, hypnotic beat…”
—Lucid Culture
“Timothy Quigley (who seems to have a nightly residency at this place, with his weekly gig with Chicha Libre and all) put on a clinic in good fun and good taste
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. He didn’t waste a beat all night, and that’s all the more impressive since this stuff is all about the beat.”
— Lucid Culture
“On Percussion, Timothy Quigley personifies subtly and sensitivity, playing on a range of traditional instruments.”
—Greek America Magazine
“Such brisker tunes as “Primavera en La Selva” (written by Conan and an uncredited Vivaldi) were more satisfying, thanks in large part to percussionists Greg Burrows and Timothy Quigley.”
—MARK JENKINS, Washington Post
“The percussions are handled by NY mainstay, Timothy Quigley, who displays his versatility playing a number of instruments, including wooden spoons and finger cymbals, providing a solid rhythmic accompaniment throughout… Highly recommended listening.”
—Zaman Al Wasl
“Multi-percussionists Timothy Quigley and Greg Stare provide a polyrhythmic cornucopia…”
—Jim Musser, Iowa City Press-Citizen!
“Percussionist Timothy Quigley who seems to be to Barbes what Willie Dixon was to Chess Records’ studio – added textures and lines that matched and then diverged, sometimes hypnotic, other times fiery and intense.”
—Lucid Culture